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Aims Activities - Questions

1. Everyone thinks about different things when they think about First Aid. What do you think about? Which of the following are important? Some of them you might not be sure about.

looking cool
to make them look pretty
to clear up all the blood
to promote recovery
to stop them getting worse
to stop them dying
to get oxygen to the brain
to tie pretty bandages
to get them to a safe place
to call an ambulance
to run around screaming
getting your picture in the newspaper
making the person less frightened
stop bleeding
get the patient a drink as soon as possible
find the patient’s friends
saving lives
stopping pain
making yourself feel good

2. Put these patients in the order you would treat them in, according to the DRABC approach. Imagine that there's just you there.

Peter is screaming his head off. You go and investigate, and notice that he's cut his finger. He's running around the room, dripping blood all over your Mum's new white carpet, yelling at you to do something.

Helen has come round to your house for a sleepover. She goes into the kitchen to get a drink, and takes a while coming back, so you go and find her. When you get to the kitchen she's sitting quietly on the floor, looking a bit pale. You go over to have a look, and notice that the glass has broken, and has cut her wrists. There's blood everywhere.

Tracey has been doing some decorating, and has fallen off her ladder. You heard a scream, then a loud thump, so went outside your house to investigate. You just see her lying on the floor. She's not responsive, so you open her airway. But she's still not breathing.

You're walking back through the park quite late at night with your parents. You see someone lying on the floor, so you go and investigate. Your parents come with you, but they don't know any first aid. The person is unresponsive to pain. You hear some very funny noises. You do a head tilt chin lift, and the funny noises stop. The patient is breathing.

3. Try playing first aid bingo with some friends! You need to chose one person to be called. They have page one, and call out each number seperately in any order. Everyone else needs one of the bingo cards (everyone has a different one). When each number is called out, you have to cross it out. The first person to get a full line of crosses shouts bingo and wins! Ask your parents/grandparents to show you how to play, if you're still not sure.

4. Here's a first aid wordsearch for you!

5. If there's lots of you, you could play the redlight/green light first aid game.